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Guide to Areola Reduction Surgery

May 06, 2024 | Areola Reduction

Women covering large areolas with her arms

Are you unhappy with the appearance of your areolas? Do you consider them too large, puffy, or asymmetrical? This blog explores what you need to know about areola reduction surgery, a procedure designed to improve the appearance of your areolas.

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While the size of your areolas may not be as noticeable or bothersome to others as it is to you, you still may wish they were smaller. Some women also have puffy areolas, or one may be larger. In addition, pregnancy and weight loss can affect the appearance of your areolas, and you may not like the change. In this blog, we delve into the option of areola reduction surgery and explain what you need to know about the process.

What Is Areola Reduction Surgery?

Similarly to breasts, areolas (the skin area surrounding your nipple) come in many different shapes, sizes, and colors. Areolas are typically pink or brown, and genetics, pregnancy, weight fluctuations, and age can influence their appearance. Areola reduction surgery is designed to make your areolas smaller, improving their size, symmetry, and overall appearance.

Why Might I Want an Areola Reduction?

While it’s normal and not a medically negative issue for areolas to be large, puffy, or asymmetrical, their appearance may make you self-conscious. Some of the reasons to choose areola reduction surgery include:

  • Stretched out or enlarged areolas due to pregnancy, breastfeeding, or weight loss
  • Areolas that appear puffy or protruding
  • Color irregularities or nodules on the areolas that affect their appearance
  • Asymmetrical areolas, or areolas that are shaped differently on each breast

Areola reduction surgery isn’t just for women. Many men wish to adjust the size of their areolas to give their chests a more masculine appearance.

What Procedures Can I Combine With Areola Reduction Surgery?

Areola reduction surgery can be done alone or with nearly any other cosmetic procedure. Breast reduction and breast lift surgeries often incorporate areola reduction. Dr. Agullo wants to ensure that your areolas are beautifully centered on your breasts and proportionate to your breast size.

Men who undergo gynecomastia surgery (sometimes called male breast reduction) also generally get areola reduction if necessary. They may also choose to get pectoral implants to enhance the masculine appearance of their chest further.

What Is Areola Reduction Surgery Like?

Areola reduction surgery is performed using general anesthesia and takes about an hour. Dr. Agullo makes two circular incisions around the outside of each areola, removing a donut-shaped portion of the skin. He then carefully pulls the skin together again to meet the new, smaller areola and secures it using permanent sutures under your skin. These permanent sutures help maintain the size and shape of the areola so it doesn’t stretch out again.

What Is Recovery From Areola Reduction Like?

After your areola reduction surgery, you may have some soreness or tightness in your breasts, but this will resolve quickly. You should be able to return to work in one or two days, though you should refrain from strenuous exercise for about a week or two until Dr. Agullo clears that option.

When Will I See My Areola Reduction Results?

You’ll be able to see the results of your areola reduction immediately after your surgery. Your areolas will be smaller, more symmetrical, and precisely aligned in the center of each breast.

Does Areola Reduction Surgery Leave Scars?

As with any surgery, areola reduction does leave scars. However, the thin incisions are hidden along the edge of the areola and nearly invisible once completely healed.

Learn More About Areola Reduction Surgery in El Paso

If you’re unhappy about the way your areolas look and it’s affecting your confidence, it may be time to explore the benefits of areola reduction surgery. To schedule a consultation with Dr. Frank Agullo to see if you are a good candidate for areola reduction surgery, call our office today at (915) 590-7900 or complete the online contact form.