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AviClear™: Advanced Acne Treatment in El Paso, TX

Millions of Americans suffer from acne breakouts, and if you’re one of them, you’ve likely been disappointed with most available treatments. Dr. Frank Agullo is proud to offer the AviClear™ laser procedure in El Paso for patients in West Texas, New Mexico, and even Northern Mexico.

AviClear™ works differently than other acne treatments by using the newest laser technology to effectively rid affected skin of pimples and blackheads once and for all. For those seeking relief from persistent acne, AviClear™ may just be the solution you need.

Young man touching his face

What Are the Benefits of AviClear™

No Harsh Chemicals

AviClear™ effectively treats acne without harsh chemicals and prescription medications.

Fast Treatment Times

AviClear™ significantly reduces or eliminates acne in three fast and convenient half-hour sessions.

Fewer, Shorter Breakouts

With AviClear™, patients can expect future breakouts to be milder, shorter, and less frequent.

Long-Lasting Results

AviClear™ treatment provides long-lasting results that continue to improve the complexion over time.

Am I a Candidate for AviClear™?

While other acne treatments can damage the melanin in darker skin tones, AviClear™ is safe and effective for all skin types. Another advantage of AviClear™ is its versatility, as it can treat the face, chest, shoulders, and back.

Patients of any age with mild to severe acne in these areas can receive AviClear™.

If you have tried antibiotics, Accutane, or Isotretinoin and are dissatisfied with your results, Dr. Agullo recommends trying AviClear™ treatment to improve your chances of a desirable outcome considerably.

Are you interested in trying treatment with AviClear™? Call Dr. Agullo and his team at (915) 590-7900 to set up a consultation.

Young woman touching her face

What Is Discussed During My AviClear™ Consultation?

Dr. Agullo will ask about other acne treatments you’ve tried, listen carefully to your skin concerns and goals, examine your skin, and create a custom treatment plan just for you.

This will include the AviClear™ procedure and any other treatments that can improve the quality of your skin if necessary.

Young man with clear skin

How Is the AviClear™ Procedure Performed?

AviClear™ uses advanced technology that determines the source of your acne flare-ups and targets the cause of your breakouts.

The sebaceous glands that produce pimple-causing oils absorb the laser energy, making them shrink or be eliminated without injuring the skin. After three sessions, this reduction of sebaceous gland activity leads to fewer, less intense breakouts.

What Can I Expect During My AviClear™ Procedure?

Your AviClear™ treatment will consist of three 30-minute sessions spaced approximately one month apart for ideal results. The procedure is pain-free and involves no downtime.

During treatment, you may feel a warm, prickly sensation, but the AviCool™ skin cooling system prevents any chance of overheating.

At Agullo Plastic Surgery, tailored care begins with a full consultation to discuss the goals and options available.

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Get In Touch With Dr. Agullo

What Can I Expect?

What Is Recovery Like After AviClear™ Treatment?

There is no downtime with AviClear™; however, you may experience temporary mild inflammation and redness that will quickly subside. Don’t be alarmed if your acne flares up a few days following treatment, as this is normal and will not last long. You can continue to use prescription acne medication during this time if desired.

How Long Will It Take to See My Results?

Up to 90 percent of AviClear™ patients experienced the elimination of 50 percent or more of their acne in the first three months of treatment.

However, you can expect improvement to continue for several months after your last session.

How Much Does AviClear™ Cost?

Dr. Agullo works hard to make treatments affordable and will provide you with an accurate cost quote during your consultation. He also offers financing to make the cost of receiving treatment manageable.

Is AviClear™ Treatment Painful?

Most patients find AviClear™ treatment to be comfortable without the need for any numbing cream or local anesthetic.

Beautiful young woman

Frequently Asked Questions

Is AviClear™ safe?

AviClear™ is widely considered the safest and most effective acne treatment available.

Is AviClear™ cleared by the FDA?

Yes. The FDA cleared AviClear™ on March 24, 2022.

How long will my AviClear™ results last?

Because AviClear™ is so new, providers and patients are just now seeing the longevity of its results. While it’s proven that 90 percent of patients saw excellent results three months after treatment, a recent study shows that their results were even better at six months.

The newest data collected nine months following treatment points to this treatment continuing to suppress new breakouts.

How can I find AviClear™ acne treatment in El Paso, TX?

Contact Dr. Agullo’s office or MedSpa today at (915) 590-7900 with questions or to schedule your El Paso AviClear™ consultation.

Dr. Agullo serves all of West Texas, New Mexico, and Northern Mexico.

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