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Not So Commonly Asked Questions About Breast Fat Injections

May 14, 2015 | Breast Augmentation, El Paso Office, Fat Injections, Fat Transfer, Las Cruces

Breast Augmentation Using Fat InjectionsRecently, Dr. Agullo received a great email from a prospective client in Canada interested in breast augmentation with fat grafting. She did not want to have breast augmentation with implants and had additional questions not covered on the website. Dr. Agullo performs surgeries of all kinds – not only for patients throughout Southwest Texas, El Paso, Mexico, and Las Cruces, NM – but also for a number of fly-ins from all over North America, Asia, and Europe. This is a special privilege.

Dr. Agullo has taken care to write all the content for his website himself to describe the most important aspects of breast augmentation using fat injections. To answer many questions about fat injections for women who want fuller breasts, here are answers to some not so frequently asked questions.

1. Who administers the anesthetic, and are they board certified? Is it local or general? Can it be local?

For breast fat transfer procedures, Dr. Agullo performs the surgery at a certified outpatient surgery center, which includes a free overnight stay for his out-of-town patients. Dr. Agullo’s team includes a board-certified anesthesiologist and nurse anesthetist, who will take care of the patient with the utmost care and attention to detail. The procedure is done under general anesthesia to optimize fat harvesting volume.

2. What type of liposuction do you use to remove the fat for fat transfer to the breast? How does this keep the fat viable?

Power-assisted, tumescent liposuction is the gold standard. This is the least traumatic method for the cells. Other types of liposuction, such as Vaser and Smartlipo™, generate heat that can injure and destroy the fat cells.

3. What is your complication rate? Are blood clots an issue?

It might seem unrealistic, but close to 0%. Infections and blood clots are extremely rare in a healthy patient. The most likely complication is fatty necrosis, which could result in palpable small masses, but Dr. Agullo doesn’t commonly see that with his delicate, micro-injection technique.

4. When you state the range for the procedure is between $4,000 – $7,000, what increases the price or decreases it?

The base cost includes one area of liposuction. In most patients, Dr. Agullo performs liposuction in multiple areas. Out-of-town patients are welcome to send pictures of themselves to get an exact cost, as well as recommendations. At Southwest Plastic Surgery, we are accustomed to consulting and treating out of town patients. Dr. Agullo can consult with you via telephone, or even better, face-to-face using FaceTime or Skype.

Patients who live locally within the El Paso, TX or Las Cruces, NM areas are welcome to come in for a consultation. During your consultation, Dr. Agullo can determine how much work is needed to accomplish your goals as well as an exact cost. Another advantage Dr. Agullo’s patients receive is the ability to get a Vectra 3D imaging preview of “before” and “after” pictures.

5. Is the price all inclusive, including garments?

Yes, we provide you with the exact cost for everything you need from preoperative vitamins to post-operative care.

6. Do you recommend lymphatic massage to the lipo areas?

Yes, Southwest Plastic Surgery of El Paso and Southwest Plastic Surgery of Las Cruces have a massage therapist on site to provide lymphatic drainage treatments. If a patient is from away, this will be done as frequently as possible until the patient leaves town. Please refer to the article about the benefits of lymphatic massage.

7. Do you use drains?

No; they are not necessary.

8. Having done this procedure, how many patients have complained of lumpiness or calcification afterward?


9. When injecting fat into the breast, how are you careful not to hit any veins? Is that a concern?

Dr. Agullo uses blunt, microinjection cannulas, which are extremely unlikely to perforate veins or arteries. Nevertheless, a patient may still get bruising after the procedure.

People have different concerns, and understandably so. Any time a surgery is performed, women want to be well informed before committing to any major undertaking, especially if they are mothers who want to ensure their wellbeing in order to care for their child. Breast fat injections are fairly straightforward in the hands of an experienced plastic surgeon.

If you have any question regarding breast augmentation using fat injections, we encourage you to contact us at our El Paso office at (915) 590-7900 or our Las Cruces office at (575) 520-5041 today. Feel free to email Dr. Agullo directly, and he will be happy to answer any questions you may have.