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Supercharged BBL (Butt Fat Transfer With Butt Implants) in El Paso, TX

There are several plastic surgery options available for butt enhancement. Butt implants can be placed, fat from another area of the body can be grafted to the butt, or a surgical butt lift can lift and remove excess skin from the buttocks.

What Is a Supercharged BBL?

The supercharged BBL procedure combines butt fat transfer (Brazilian Butt Lift) and butt implants. It is also known as an Istanbul BBL, composite butt augmentation, or butt supergrafting.

This butt augmentation procedure achieves greater buttocks volume with a more natural appearance than traditional BBL or butt implants can achieve alone.

What Are the Benefits of a Brazilian Butt Lift With Implants?

  • Greater butt volume compared to either procedure
  • More projection
  • Gives your plastic surgeon better control over the results
  • More permanent results
  • Can create a more natural overall appearance by contouring multiple areas

Am I a Candidate for Fat Enhanced Butt Augmentation With Implants?

A supercharged BBL is easier for many patients to undergo. It does not require as much extracted fat as a traditional BBL. Ideal candidates are in good health and looking for significant butt augmentation. Thin patients are also great candidates for a supercharged skinny BBL. If you are interested in buttock enhancement, you should consider this Istanbul Butt Lift.

Are you interested in a supercharged BBL? Call Dr. Agullo at (915) 590-7900 to set up your consultation.

What Is Discussed During My Supercharged Brazilian Butt Lift Consultation?

During your consultation, Dr. Agullo will:

  • Discuss your wishes, expectations, and potential results
  • Evaluate your buttock contours to determine ideal treatment techniques
  • Determine if you have an adequate amount of fat to transfer to your buttocks
  • Identify where the injected fat will be taken from
  • Take measurements and photos of your buttocks and body contours
  • Explain how you should prepare for your butt enhancement surgery

What Does a Composite Buttock Augmentation Include?

A supercharged BBL consists of several butt enhancement procedures combined into a single operation to provide you with the best possible results. These procedures include buttock implant placement and butt fat transfer (liposuction and fat grafting).

This composite butt augmentation procedure will usually be performed under general anesthesia for your comfort.

Butt Implant Surgery

The first step in your buttock augmentation will be the implantation of your butt implants. These implants are made of cohesive silicone to better match the weight and consistency of your buttocks tissue.

They will be implanted via incisions placed in the natural creases on the buttocks. The incision locations may vary depending on the size of your implant and your desired aesthetic result.

The implants are placed inside the muscle, which provides more coverage and less probability of being able to feel or see the implants. The muscle holds the implants up, which prevents sagging or a double butt deformity.

Body Liposuction

Liposuction is performed to remove unwanted fat from your body. The fat is removed via small tubes called cannulas that suction out your undesired fat.

Common areas for fat removal include your abdomen, flanks, back, and thighs.

You may choose to combine your procedure with minimally invasive skin tightening treatments like Renuvion™ J-Plasma® and BodyTite® to avoid skin sagging in the treated areas.

Liposuction will contour your body to create a slimmer profile and provide the needed fat for your BBL.

Purifying the Fat Cells

The extracted fat is run through a vibrating decanter. This separates the living fat cells from other components like red or white blood cells. This leaves only pure and healthy fat to be injected back into your buttocks. Because the injection consists of only your own fat, the risk of allergic reaction from the fat injection is practically nonexistent.

Butt Fat Grafting

A supercharged BBL uses a process called fat supergrafting to inject the purified fat around the butt implant. This enhances the appearance of the implants and helps to secure them in place. Fat can be placed in the laterals, hips, and thighs to create your desired contour.

How Should I Prepare for My Supercharged BBL?

Before you have butt augmentation with fat transfer and implants, you should be in good health. You should also consult with your plastic surgeon and pharmacist to ensure none of your medications or vitamins will interfere with your operation. Blood-thinning medications and certain herbal supplements should be avoided for a few weeks prior to surgery.

What to Expect After Butt Fat Transfer With Implants

What Can I Expect During My Butt Augmentation Recovery?

After your supercharged BBL, you can return to work in about one to two weeks. You can resume daily activities, including most forms of exercise, after four weeks.

We will provide you with a specialty pillow to preserve the health of your grafted fat cells for two to four weeks after surgery. This lets your fat cells acclimate to their new position. Putting pressure on the fat graft during this time can disrupt the grafting process and can compromise your results.

Will My BBL and Butt Implant Procedure Leave Scars?

The incisions used to place your butt implants will likely leave small scars. However, these scars are placed in locations that are difficult to see, even while standing in the nude or wearing a bathing suit.

Liposuction and fat grafting should cause minimal, if any, scarring.

When Will I See My Supercharged Brazilian Butt Lift Results?

Most patients will see results within four to six weeks as swelling subsides and excess fat in the buttocks fades away. Final results may take up to six months to fully develop.

Will My Butt Augmentation Results Be Permanent?

Both your butt implants and your transferred fat may remain in your butt for the rest of your life under optimal conditions. However, weight fluctuations and the effects of age may affect your results over several decades.

At Agullo Plastic Surgery, tailored care begins with a full consultation to discuss the goals and options available.

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What Does a Supercharged Brazilian Butt Lift Surgery Cost?

Your supercharged BBL price will vary depending on the degree of butt fat transfer you desire and the size and cost of the butt implants you select. Additional price factors include anesthesia fees, facility fees, surgeon’s fees, geographical location, and the cost of pre- and post-surgical tests and dressings.

Dr. Agullo will provide you with a supercharged Brazilian Butt Lift cost quote during your consultation. This quote will include an exact BBL cost and everything you need for preparation and recovery from your supercharged BBL. You can see the approximate prices of each procedure on our current plastic surgery fee list.

Most cosmetic plastic surgery is considered “elective” and is not covered by most health insurance plans.

Photo Gallery

Before and after of a butt implant patient Before and after of a butt implant patient. Side view

* Results may vary

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FAQs About BBL and Butt Implants

Is supercharged BBL recovery painful?

After your operation, you should expect mild to moderate discomfort for one to two weeks.

What procedures can be combined with my Supercharged BBL?

If you want to add other procedures with your Brazilian Butt Lift and butt implants, you can consider a skin removal surgery such as a thigh lift procedure or arm lift procedure. You may also choose to add body fat grafting to your operation for extra body contouring.

Is an Istanbul Butt Lift safe?

Dr. Agullo is a board-certified plastic surgeon with many years of experience performing BBL, butt augmentation, and supercharged BBL procedures. While no procedure is ever risk-free, the risks are low in the hands of an experienced plastic surgeon like Dr. Agullo.

What are the risks of my supercharged BBL?

As with any surgical procedure, there are risks associated with the supercharged Brazilian Butt Lift.

Potential risks include:

  • Adverse reactions to the anesthesia
  • Bleeding
  • Infection
  • Unfavorable scarring at the liposuction sites
  • Blood clots
  • Fat embolism

You can reduce your chance of experiencing complications by following Dr. Agullo’s pre-surgical and post-surgical directions.

Which buttock implants does Dr. Agullo use?

The most commonly used implants are the AART round style 3 implants. These are solid silicone implants for the buttocks that have a consistency and feel similar to muscle. The most commonly used implant sizes are 4, 6, 9, and 10. Size 6 is the largest, but it is not an option for every patient.

Size Diameter (CM) Projection (CM) Volume (CC)
0 10.5 2.5 117
1 12.5 2.8 189
2 13.7 3.3 276
3 14.8 3.8 379
4 13.8 4.9 434
5 13.8 3.7 301
6 15.7 6 712
7 12.5 4 296
8 12.4 3.3 218
9 15 4.5 455
10 15 5 548
How do I choose my buttock implant?

Dr. Agullo will help you choose the best implant for your desired results. During your consultation, you can try on different sizers. “Wish photos” can help Dr. Agullo get a good idea of your desired results and volumes. It is extremely important for the implant diameter to fit within your gluteus maximus muscle, which can limit the volume of the implants.

Will my buttock implants be visible?

The advantage of placing the implants within the muscle is that there is thicker tissue covering them. That and the addition of fat around the implants makes it very unlikely that your implants would be visible.

I am afraid of buttock implants because I have heard horrible things!

Unfortunately, when buttock implants are incorrectly placed, they can have significant complications. Most surgeons do not have the knowledge or experience to be able to offer buttock augmentation with implants, so they only recommend fat transfer.

Inexperienced surgeons will often place the implants above the muscle, which can cause a double butt deformity, visible implants, seromas, and the ability to easily flip the implants. All of these complications have been highly publicized on social media and YouTube. By placing the implants inside the muscle, all of these complications can be avoided.

Interested in a Supercharged BBL in the El Paso Area?

If you want to learn more about Dr. Agullo’s supercharged BBL procedure, you can contact his office at (915) 590-7900. Dr. Agullo offers butt augmentation with fat transfer and butt implants for patients in El Paso, Texas, and the greater El Paso area.

Dr. Agullo often performs supercharged BBL surgery, so you might catch a butt transformation live on his Snapchat or Instagram @RealDrWorldWide on any given day!


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