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Frank Agullo, MD En Español Open Menu


April 03, 2023 | Neck Lift

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Woman before and after a neck lift.

Combining a deep neck lift with a lower facelift can be an effective way to correct a turkey neck deformity, jowling and create a better-defined jawline. Many factors can hinder a defined neck and jawline as we age:


Jowling is a common sign of aging that occurs when the skin and soft tissues of the lower face begin to sag and lose elasticity. This can create a jowl or a bulge along the jawline, making the face appear older and less defined.


The submandibular gland is a major salivary gland located in the lower jaw. It produces saliva that helps with digestion and oral hygiene. However, as we age, the gland can become enlarged and displaced, creating a bulge in the neck, just under the jawline. This can give the appearance of a double chin or a fullness in the lower face.


There is also a fat pocket located underneath the neck muscles that can blunt the neck angle. Although neck liposuction is usually performed during a lower facelift, it is important to note that this fat pocket cannot be removed with liposuction alone.


A lower facelift is a surgical procedure designed to address jowling and sagging in the lower face and neck. It involves making incisions around the ears and along the hairline to access the underlying tissues. Dr. Agullo then tightens the muscles and repositions the skin to create a smoother and more defined contour along the jawline.

In a deep neck lift, the submandibular gland is often removed to achieve a more defined and youthful contour in the neck and jawline. The procedure involves making an incision under the chin and dissecting the gland from the surrounding tissues. The gland is then carefully excised and the incision is closed with sutures. In addition to the submandibular gland, a deep neck lift also involves the removal of deep neck fat and portions of the muscles. 

The combination of a deep neck lift and a lower facelift is a highly customizable procedure that can be tailored to the individual patient’s needs. Depending on the severity of the jowling and the amount of excess fat and skin in the neck and lower face, the surgeon can create a customized treatment plan that addresses the patient’s specific concerns.

While the combination of a deep neck lift and a lower facelift can be highly effective, it is important to note that it is a surgical procedure and carries some risks. These risks include bleeding, infection, nerve injury, and scarring. It is important to carefully consider the risks and benefits before undergoing the procedure.

Overall, the combination of a deep neck lift and a lower facelift can be a valuable tool in achieving a more youthful and defined appearance in the neck and jawline. By addressing both the deep tissues and the surface tissues of the lower face and neck, the procedure can create a natural and harmonious result that enhances the overall aesthetic of the face.


Schedule a consultation with us today and see how a lower facelift can help you achieve the rejuvenation you’ve always wanted! If you have questions or want to learn more about how it can help you, please call Southwest Plastic Surgery at (915) 590-7900 or fill out our contact form online.