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Fact or Myth – The Fallacies Behind Facial Procedures

September 21, 2016 | BOTOX® Cosmetic, Facelift, Facial Rejuvenation, Fillers

Facelift Before and After PhotosFor every facial procedure, there seem to be three or more corresponding myths. Misconceptions may be the reason you won’t get a facial procedure or the reason you won’t get the results you want. Here are some of the most common myths and truths about facial procedures.

Myth: Everyone ages the same way.

Research has shown that not all individuals age the same way. A study showed that even identical twins age differently based on lifestyle factors. You should discuss your personal situation with your plastic surgeon to determine the best course of treatment for you.

Myth: Facial fillers and BOTOX® Cosmetic are just as effective as facelift surgery.

Facial fillers and BOTOX® Cosmetic can significantly enhance your appearance, but they cannot compare to facelift surgery, especially after a certain age. These treatments create the appearance of a lift and fewer wrinkles, but a facelift surgically lifts and tightens the underlying facial tissues for more permanent and dramatic results. Unlike injectables, facelift surgery offers long-lasting results and a solution for skin laxity. Some patients may benefit from receiving both types of treatment for facial rejuvenation.

Myth: To improve your profile, you should undergo rhinoplasty.

Rhinoplasty may be the answer for some individuals, but it is not right for everyone. For example, some patients who are dissatisfied with their profiles already have a well-balanced nose, but they have a small chin. Depending on your needs, chin surgery could be a more appropriate way to enhance a weak profile.

Myth: It doesn’t matter where you go for BOTOX® Cosmetic treatments.

Patients who receive BOTOX® Cosmetic treatments at discounted rate run the risk of having received a diluted form of BOTOX® Cosmetic or something else entirely. They also risk that their treatment may be performed by individuals who are not properly trained. To get reliable, high-quality results, only undergo BOTOX® Cosmetic treatments with a plastic surgeon or a trained expert nurse injector.

Myth: It doesn’t matter which filler you choose because they all do the same thing.

Each facial filler works in a different way and is comprised of a different substance or concentration. Some are better for lip enhancement, others are better for cheek volume, and still others are better for around the eyes or mouth. Most patients should receive a combination of fillers on different areas of their faces to get the best results.

Myth: Age-related fat loss in the face and neck makes you look younger.

The truth is that age-related fat loss in the face and neck makes you look older. Newer facial procedures such as fat injections can restore youthful softness to the face.

Myth: A facelift can get rid of sagging brows and forehead wrinkles.

Contrary to belief, facelift surgery does not target the upper face. Rather, it rejuvenates the middle and lower regions of the face. To target the brow area, you may need to undergo brow lift surgery.

Myth: BOTOX® Cosmetic and facial fillers are only for women.

More and more men are undergoing facial treatments. In fact, according to the American Society for Aesthetic Plastic Surgery, men underwent over 600,000 facial injectables treatments in the U.S. in 2015.

Myth: Facelift surgery gives you a windswept appearance.

This used to be true with older facelift techniques or amateur surgeons. Now, facelift surgery can restore a naturally youthful appearance so that you do not look “operated on.”

Myth: BOTOX® Cosmetic gives you a frozen appearance.

When administered properly, BOTOX® Cosmetic only “freezes” the muscles that cause wrinkles. You should be able to make normal facial expressions with fewer wrinkles and without any sign of a frozen appearance. It is essential that you choose an expert plastic surgeon so that BOTOX® Cosmetic is safely, carefully, and strategically administered.

If you are interested in learning more about facial procedures, schedule your consultation with board-certified plastic surgeon Dr. Frank Agullo. To book your appointment, call our office at (915) 590-7900 or complete our online contact form today.