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Get Your Body Back This Fall With a Mommy Makeover

September 27, 2023 | Mommy Makeover

Being a woman is alternately wonderful and challenging, and changes to your body can have an effect on how you feel about yourself. Age, hormone changes, pregnancy, and childbirth can affect you––inside and out.

Dr. Frank Agullo understands that whether you like it or not, how you feel about your appearance can impact your life physically and emotionally. That’s why he offers Mommy Makeovers, a set of cosmetic procedures designed to get you back to feeling good about yourself and living your life as you should.

Young beautiful mother and her toddler pretty daughter in bikini walking on exotic beach

What Is a Mommy Makeover?

A Mommy Makeover is a combination of popular cosmetic surgery procedures that women often consider after they’ve finished having children. Undergoing several procedures in one surgery can reduce the overall cost and recovery time, which is essential for busy moms on the go. The ideal candidate for a Mommy Makeover is someone who:

  • Is done having children
  • Has recovered completely from childbirth
  • Has been done breastfeeding for at least six months
  • Is within 10-15 pounds of their desired weight

What Procedures Are Included in a Mommy Makeover?

A Mommy Makeover most often consists of a tummy tuck, liposuction, and a breast lift. However, Dr. Agullo also offers additional options and will work with you to create a completely customizable plan to give you a more youthful body contour and restore your confidence in your appearance. Below are some procedures you may want to consider as part of your Mommy Makeover.

Tummy Tuck

A tummy tuck removes excess skin and fat and tightens the abdominal muscles, smoothing and flattening your abdomen. While it is not the answer for losing that last bit of baby weight, it can help complete the process, taking into account the physical changes experienced during pregnancy, aging, or weight loss. Diet and exercise can only take you so far, and a tummy tuck finishes what you started – giving you a tighter, more toned stomach.

Breast Lift

As women well know, there are many reasons why breasts begin to sag. Weight gain and loss, age, pregnancy, and breastfeeding can affect the shape and size of your breasts, leaving them drooping and uneven. A breast lift (or mastopexy) is designed to lift your breasts by removing excess lax skin and tightening the remaining tissue to restore the youthful perkiness you previously enjoyed. In addition, if your areolae have enlarged over time, a breast lift can also address this.

Breast Augmentation

Pregnancy and weight loss can do a number on your breasts. Not only do you have to deal with added sagging, but they may look flat or deflated. Breast augmentation can give you a curvier contour by adding volume to your breasts. You have various choices––material (silicone vs. saline), shape, and size of your implants––to customize your procedure and give you the breasts you’ve always wanted.


With pregnancy, age, and weight loss, you may notice that you have fat in places it wasn’t before or stubborn pockets of excess fat that refuse to respond to diet and exercise. Despite the claims of fitness articles everywhere, the truth is that there is no way to successfully “spot reduce” specific areas of your body with diet and exercise alone. Liposuction can provide the finishing touches after pregnancy or weight loss, contouring and smoothing nearly any area on your body.

Lower Body Lift

If you have lost a significant amount of weight or fought the effects of weight fluctuations and age, you may need more than a traditional tummy tuck. A lower body lift eliminates considerable amounts of excess skin in your lower body (including the dreaded “mommy apron”) as well as your hips, thighs, and buttocks. A lower body lift typically includes a circumferential tummy tuck, thigh lift, buttock lifting and shaping, and liposuction.

Brazilian Buttock Lift

If you’re unhappy with a flat or droopy behind, you may want to add a Brazilian buttock lift (BBL) to your mommy makeover. A BBL uses fat harvested from another area of your body via liposuction (usually from your waist and abdomen) and injects it into your buttocks. The result is a natural-looking, more rounded derriere.

Vaginal Rejuvenation

Childbirth and age can result in unwanted changes to your vagina. Vaginal rejuvenation uses surgical and nonsurgical procedures to restore your vagina to its pre-pregnancy shape. Whether you want surgical labiaplasty or nonsurgical vaginal tightening, both may be added to your Mommy Makeover.

Learn More About Mommy Makeovers in El Paso

If you want to improve your body’s shape with a Mommy Makeover, look no further than Dr. Frank Agullo. His expertise and extensive experience in a variety of body enhancement procedures ensure you’ll get the results you want. He also allows his patients to visualize their potential results using the Vectra 3D Imaging System, so you’ll know what to expect from your Mommy Makeover. For more information or to schedule a consultation, call 915-590-7900 or fill out our online contact form.