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Breast Implant Illness: Understanding the Symptoms, Treatment Options, and Reconstruction Possibilities

October 02, 2023 | Breast Implant Illness

Model holding implant

At Southwest Plastic Surgery, our commitment has always been to provide patients with comprehensive information about all aspects of plastic and cosmetic surgery. Today, we aim to shed light on a topic that has garnered attention in recent times: Breast Implant Illness (BII). Under the expert guidance of Dr. Frank Agullo, we’ve been at the vanguard of understanding and addressing BII, always putting patient care at the forefront.


Breast Implant Illness is a term used to describe a series of symptoms that some individuals believe are linked to their breast implants. Although the FDA has yet to formally recognize BII as a distinct medical condition, a rising number of patients are reporting symptoms, including fatigue, cognitive disturbances (like brain fog), joint pain, sleep disturbances, anxiety, hair loss, and more.


For those who suspect BII or have concerns about potential complications related to breast implants, it’s essential to know the available treatment options:

  1. Breast Implant Removal: A direct procedure where the implants are removed.
  2. Breast Implant Removal with Capsulectomy: This involves removing both the implant and the scar tissue capsule that forms around the implant.
  3. En Bloc Breast Implant and Capsule Removal: A comprehensive method in which the breast implant and the entire capsule are removed as one unit. This procedure does necessitate a larger incision, leading to a more noticeable scar.

Despite its thoroughness, it’s crucial to note that there hasn’t been a recorded difference in outcomes or symptom improvement among the three procedures. Nonetheless, many support groups and patients lean towards en bloc removal for the comprehensive removal it promises.


Post implant removal, the next concern for many is the appearance and potential reconstruction of the breasts. Here are some of the options available:

  1. Breast Lift (Mastopexy): Elevates and reshapes sagging breasts for a youthful contour. The extent of the scars and lift will depend on the result after implant removal.
  2. Fat Injections: A natural way to augment breasts by transferring fat from another part of the body. This is usually delayed by 3-6 months after implant removal.
  3. Skin Tightening Procedures: Technologies like BreastTite offer non-surgical alternatives to promote skin tightening. This can be combined with Morpheus8, A novel treatment combining microneedling with radiofrequency energy, designed to rejuvenate skin by stimulating collagen production.

In conclusion, while the decision to remove breast implants is significant, modern medicine provides a range of procedures to ensure aesthetics aren’t compromised post-removal. For personalized advice and clarity on your journey, Dr. Frank Agullo at Southwest Plastic Surgery is always here to guide you.


For more insights or to schedule a consultation, feel free to reach out to us. We are dedicated to supporting you at every step. Call us today at 915-590-7900 to schedule a consultation and take the first step towards achieving beautiful, natural-looking buttocks. Alternatively, you can fill out our contact form online.