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Options for Body Contouring After Major Weight Loss

November 07, 2023 | Body Contouring

With the increasing popularity of weight loss drugs like Wegovy® and Ozempic®, more people than ever are taking control and losing the weight they’ve been fighting against for years. However, once you’ve reached your weight loss goal, you may find that you’re still not confident in your appearance because even though the fat is gone, you’re left with stretched-out, droopy skin. The good news is that several body contouring surgeries are available to remedy this situation. Below, we explore a few body contouring options after major weight loss.

Woman standing inside really large pants

Tummy Tuck

A tummy tuck is one of the most popular body contouring surgeries, as it addresses a spot on the body that many struggle with. Weight loss helps you generally achieve the shape you want, but you’re often left with a lot of loose skin and abdominal “pooches” that refuse to go away no matter what you try. A tummy tuck eliminates excess skin, tightens weak ab muscles, and smooths and contours your entire midsection, leaving you shapely and trim.

Lower Body Lift

After working so hard to lose weight, the last thing anyone wants is to still be unable to wear the clothes that show off results. A lower body lift is designed for patients who struggle with excess skin on their lower body. Hanging skin folds can cause chafing, irritation, and difficulty fitting into clothes. A lower body lift removes loose skin and pockets of fat in your abdomen, waist, hips, buttocks, and outer thighs.

Arm Lift

“Bat wings” or “bingo wings” are phrases used to describe the excess flab hanging from upper arms after weight loss. These are two terms you don’t want to describe your arms. An arm lift removes loose skin from your upper arm, tightening the skin and shaping your arm to reveal a more toned bicep and tricep area.

Breast Procedures

Weight loss can have quite an effect on breasts, leaving them looking deflated or saggy. If you’re looking to improve the look of your breasts after significant weight loss, you have several options:

  • Breast Augmentation, which uses saline or silicone implants to enhance your breast size
  • Breast Augmentation with Fat Transfer, which uses your own body fat to subtly and naturally enhance your breasts
  • Breast Lift, which restores a more perky and youthful contour to your chest
  • Breast Reduction, which can be used to make your breasts more proportionate to the rest of your body and eliminate back and shoulder pain from large breasts

Thigh Lift

Even after losing significant weight, your upper thighs may still be rubbing together if you have a lot of excess skin. A thigh lift is designed to eliminate this from your thighs, which helps to reshape and firm your legs while reducing chafing. Depending on your needs and desired results, you may choose from the following:

  • Medial Lift, which addresses the inner thighs
  • Extended Lift, which addresses the inner thighs down to the knees
  • Lateral Lift, which addresses the outer thighs and hips
  • Spiral Lift, which addresses the inner, outer, front, and back of thighs

Butt Augmentation

Similarly to breasts, weight loss can negatively affect the volume and shape of your behind. Butt augmentation helps achieve the perky, rounded booty you’ve always wanted but could never achieve. Options for butt augmentation include:

  • Brazilian Butt Lift (BBL), which uses fat transfer to add volume to your butt—with the bonus of liposuction
  • Butt Implants, which use silicone implants to help you achieve a firmer, rounder butt
  • Composite Butt Augmentation, which uses a combination of implants and BBL to achieve your desired shape
  • Butt Lift with Augmentation, which helps boost a sagging behind while also adding volume with implants


Liposuction is the perfect choice when you’re ready to put the finishing touches on your new physique. You can opt for liposuction alone, or combined with any of the above contouring procedures. Liposuction leaves you looking trimmer and free of unsightly bulges that detract from your weight loss triumph.

Learn More About Body Contouring in El Paso

Losing weight is just the first step in reclaiming your body. Let Dr. Frank Agullo help you with the next phase through body contouring to show off your results. He will work with you to create a personalized treatment plan so that you leave his office looking just as slender and gorgeous as you have always wanted to be. To schedule a consultation, call 915-590-7900 or fill out our online contact form.