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How Does Stress Affect Your Beauty?

March 25, 2015 | Fat Injections, Fat Transfer, Hair Treatment, Injectables, Platelet Rich Plasma, Protein Rich Plasma

Beauty Restoration Treatments

Beauty Restoration TreatmentsStress is an unfortunate fact of life. For people living with chronic stress, their bodies take a serious beating. Chronic stress disrupts the natural hormone levels in your body, causing homeostatic imbalances that can lead to health issues like heartburn, respiratory problems, cardiac irregularities, and insomnia. Stress sometimes gets expressed externally as well, altering your beauty. The effects of stress may cause:


When you are stressed, your muscles have a tendency to be tense. Muscle tension in the face, mainly in the forehead and around the eyes, can etch in deep wrinkles. These wrinkles prematurely age the face.


PRP (Protein Rich Plasma) Facial Rejuvenation: Blood plasma enriched with platelets that release growth factors to promote collagen production and healing.

  • PRP treatments combined with dermal fillers or fat grafting can achieve smooth, younger-looking skin.

Hollow Eyes and Cheeks

People that suffer from chronic stress will occasionally experience bouts of insomnia. Lack of sleep leads to dark, puffy under-eye bags and hollow cheeks, which make you appear constantly fatigued.


Fat injections: The transfer of fat into areas of the face that have experienced a loss of volume.

  • Smoothing under-eye bags and plumping sunken cheeks restores a rested appearance and a bright complexion.

Weight Gain

Some people have a tendency to overeat as an emotional coping mechanism for stress. The increased caloric intake is often accompanied by a lack of motivation to exercise, which can cause you to pack on the pounds. During stressful times, your body also produces hormones that cause you to store excess fat. Unfortunately, there isn’t a cosmetic procedure to help you lose a major amount of weight. You can lose weight with the help of a nutritionist, personal trainer, and personal determination. Once you have lost weight, you may be discouraged to find excess skin and clinging fat deposits you didn’t have before.


Body Contouring: A combination of surgical procedures that may include liposuction, tummy tuck, and arm lift surgery.

  • Removes excess skin and fat
  • Tightens and tones the area
  • Restores pleasing body contours

Hair Loss

Hair loss normally occurs six weeks to three months after the initial stressful event. After a traumatic event, the body releases hormones that disrupt the natural hair growth cycle. For some people, stress causes ticks where they pull out an excessive amount of their hair.


In most cases, your hair cycle will return to normal. If it doesn’t, the stress may have exacerbated an underlying medical condition.

PRP for Hair Loss: Wakes up dormant hair follicles and stimulates them to grow.

Hair Transplant: Takes hair follicles from donor sites and transplants them to areas where the hair is thinning or bald.
Schedule your consultation with Dr. Agullo to erase signs of stress and restore your vibrant, beautiful self. Call our office today at (915) 590-7900 or fill out our online contact form here.