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Understanding PRP: Is the “Blood” Rejuvenation Treatment Worth It?

October 03, 2022 | Platelet Rich Plasma

4 Minute Read: 

Cosmetic treatments are constantly evolving, with new options becoming available to men and women. Over the years, we have seen many new developments in cosmetic options, and one of the most exciting and effective procedures to be developed in recent years is PRP treatments

Beautiful female patient lying back while a cosmetic surgeon prepares a PRP injection treatment

While there may be a good chance that you have heard of PRP, and you may even know some of the basics about how this treatment can help various cosmetic issues (from hair loss to skin rejuvenation to sexual wellness) there are probably some aspects of PRP that you may be surprised to learn. 

Below, you will find some information about this treatment, how it’s performed, and how you can benefit from PRP.

What Is PRP?

PRP stands for platelet-rich plasma, which is a specific protein found naturally in your blood. This plasma is extracted from your own blood and then used to help jumpstart your body in a multiplicity of ways. 

Besides offering stunning results to help you look and feel better, one of the best aspects of this treatment is that nothing foreign is placed on or injected into your skin, since the PRP is coming from your own body (which means that there is no chance of your body rejecting the treatment).

The PRP process begins with a standard blood draw. After the blood is harvested, it is placed in a centrifuge (a machine that spins the collected blood rapidly). As the blood is spun, the cells and plasma separate, allowing Dr. Agullo to collect the concentrated plasma. 

This plasma (PRP) contains numerous beneficial growth factors that, when injected into the body, can help with both healing and rejuvenation.

What Can PRP Be Used to Correct?

While many people think of PRP as having only one cosmetic purpose, the reality is that there are several different treatments that utilize the healing and stimulating aspects of platelet-rich plasma. 

Below are three of the most common treatments that can help you look and feel as youthful and rejuvenated as you want!

Hair Loss Treatment

PRP can be effectively used to combat hair loss in both men and women

Many people, understandably, attach their sense of self to their hair, so when they begin to lose their hair, they often feel psychologically and emotionally distraught. However, PRP can be injected directly into the scalp to help repair dormant or damaged hair follicles, which in turn activates growth factors to allow thicker, healthier hair to grow. 

While this minimally invasive treatment can be used as a standalone procedure, it can also be combined with hair transplant procedures to help heal the scalp and grow new hair more efficiently. 

After undergoing PRP injections for hair loss, you can achieve a head of hair that you can be proud of, which means that you can ditch the hat for good!

Facial Rejuvenation

As we age, our skin begins to lose its collagen and elastin, resulting in wrinkles, fine lines, and sagging skin. While these skin blemishes are natural, that doesn’t mean you have to like or accept them as part of your appearance. 

There are many different facial rejuvenation treatments available that can offer significant improvement to the appearance of your face. 

Facelift surgery offers fantastic results but is an invasive procedure that tightens tissue but doesn’t improve skin tone or texture. If you are looking for non-surgical treatments, then you can revitalize your facial appearance with the use of dermal fillers

Though these non-invasive treatments offer stunning results, when fillers are combined with PRP, you can achieve even more dynamic correction. That is because the fillers help to restore lost volume in your face while the PRP stimulates the production of collagen and elastin in your skin to give you a healthier, more supple facial appearance. 

Vaginal Rejuvenation

As women age, their vaginas lose the youthfulness (and health) they once had. This is especially true if women have undergone pregnancy and childbirth in their past. 

One of the side effects to aging is sexual dysfunction in women. However, vaginal rejuvenation treatments can help restore your vaagina’s wellbeing and improve your sexual health and improve any incontinence issues that you may be experiencing. 

With the O-Shot® treatment, PRP is injected directly into your clitoris, G-spot, labia majora, or urethral areas to help generate the production of new and healthy cells, which can increase sensitivity in and around your vagina so that you can enjoy those intimate times like you used to.

In the End…

PRP is one of the most versatile and effective cosmetic treatments available to men and women. If you feel as though PRP treatments may be able to help you, then make sure to contact Dr. Agullo now so that you can schedule your consultation. 

Dr. Agullo is committed to helping you achieve the aesthetic look and feel of your dreams, so don’t delay any longer!

Interested in Learning More?

If you have questions about PRP or want to learn more about how platelet-rich plasma can help you, please give Dr. Agullo a call today at (915) 590-7900 or fill out our contact form online